Celebrate Bastille Day at Holloran Vineyard Wines

Join us July 11th & 12th in our Dundee Hills Tasting Room and be transported to France for an authentic and classical French experience.

Chef Pierre is busy in the kitchen preparing for Fête Nationale (Bastille Day) coming up on July 14th. To celebrate we are offering an authentic French classic all weekend – Crêpes!

Choose a savory or sweet crêpe and any glass of wine from our current list for $17.89. Club member discount will be applied on the day.

Why $17.89?
The significance of the $17.89 price is that it marks the year 1789. Bastille Day is celebrated to remember the Storming of the Bastille on 14th July 1789 at the beginning of the French Revolution.

Reservations required. Book now!

To make a reservation
Please call 971-720-0632 or
Email hvw.louise@gmail.com


Jul 11 2020




Holloran Vineyard Wines Tasting Room
8795 NE Worden Hill Road Dundee Oregon
make a reservation - 971-720-0632 or Email hvw.louise@gmail.com

Join us for Welcome Wednesdays! $25 Tastings throughout the Dundee Hills, plus so much more.