InsideHook Spotlights Willamette Valley: A Wine Lover’s Dream

Geoff Nudelman with InsideHook features the Willamette Valley as the most captivating wine region in America, citing its 700+ wineries and the remarkable growth it’s seen since its first vine planting in 1965 in the Dundee Hills. It’s located on a latitudinal line similar to French wine regions, known for its exceptional Pinot Noirs. Organic and biodynamic practices were adopted early on, and the region remains committed to environmental stewardship. Beyond wine, there are numerous outdoor activities and opportunities for visitors to connect with winemakers.

Featuring a number of accommodation options, activities and can’t-miss stops for wine tasting, Nudelman specifically recommends Lange Estate Winery and Archery Summit from the Dundee Hills. 

Read the full article: Why Oregon’s Willamette Valley Is America’s Most Captivating Wine Region


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